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How to use the SDK to create quotes and bridge transactions.

Setting up your Environment

In order to begin constructing bridge related transactions, developers need to set up their environment for the relevant chains. The first is configuring chains and providers.

//Set up providers (RPCs) for each chain desired

const arbitrumProvider: Provider = new etherProvider.JsonRpcProvider(
const avalancheProvider: Provider = new etherProvider.JsonRpcProvider(

//Structure arguments properly
const chainIds = [42161, 43114]
const providers = [arbitrumProvider, avalancheProvider]

//Set up a SynapseSDK instance
const Synapse = new SynapseSDK(chainIds, providers)

In the code snippet above, we set up the different providers and format them, along with the Ids of the chains we are bridging from/to for our quotes.



Getting a bridge quote returns all relevant information regarding a possible transaction. Every bridge transaction requires this step.


  • originChainId - An integer representing the origin chain ID.
  • destChainId - An integer representing the destination chain ID.
  • tokenIn - A string representing the input token.
  • tokenOut - A string representing the output token.
  • amountIn - A BigintIsh representing the input token amount.

Return Value

A Promise object that resolves to an object with the following properties:

  • feeAmount (BigNumber): A BigNumber object representing the fee amount for the transaction.
  • feeConfig (FeeConfig): A FeeConfig object representing the fee configuration for the transaction.
  • routerAddress (string): A string representing the address of the router.
  • maxAmountOut (BigNumber): A BigNumber object representing the maximum amount of tokens that can be received from the transaction (after fees).
  • originQuery (Query): A Query object representing the query to the origin SynapseRouter.
  • destQuery (Query): A Query object representing the query to the destination SynapseRouter.
If the permutation of chains and tokens is not supported, the SDK will inform the user.


Returns a prepared transaction so that it may be executed by the client.


  • to (string): The recipient address on the destination chain.
  • originChainId (number): The ID of the origin chain.
  • destChainId (number): The ID of the destination chain.
  • token (string): The token to be bridged.
  • amount (BigintIsh): The amount of tokens to be bridged.
  • originQuery (Query): A Query object containing the origin SynapseRouter query (retrieved using bridgeQuote)
  • destQuery (Query): An Query object containing the destination SynapseRouter query (retrieved using bridgeQuote)

Return Value

A Promise PopulatedTransaction object is returned with the following attributes populated.

  • to (string): The address the tx is to.
  • data (string): The transaction data.


Returns a swap quote containing relevant information about a token swap transaction.


  • chainId (number): The ID of the chain.
  • tokenIn (string): The input token for the swap.
  • tokenOut (string): The output token for the swap.
  • amountIn (BigintIsh): The amount of input tokens.

Return Value

A Promise object that resolves to an object with the following properties:

  • routerAddress (string | undefined): The address of the router.
  • maxAmountOut (BigNumber | undefined): The maximum amount of output tokens that can be obtained from the swap.
  • query (Query | undefined): A Query object representing the swap query.


Executes a token swap transaction on the specified chain.


  • chainId (number): The ID of the chain.
  • to (string): The recipient address for the swapped tokens.
  • token (string): The token to be swapped.
  • amount (BigintIsh): The amount of tokens to be swapped.
  • query (Query): An Query object containing the SynapseRouter swap query (retrieved using swapQuote)

Return Value

A Promise PopulatedTransaction object is returned with the following attributes populated.

  • to (string): The address the tx is to.
  • data (string): The transaction data.


Returns the gas amount for the bridge transaction on the specified chain.


  • chainId (number): The ID of the chain.

Return Value

A Promise object that resolves to a BigintIsh representing the gas amount for the bridge transaction.


Retrieves the pool tokens associated with a specific pool address on the specified chain.


  • chainId (number): The ID of the chain.
  • poolAddress (string): The address of the pool.

Return Value

A Promise object that resolves to an array of PoolToken objects representing the pool tokens.


Retrieves information about a pool identified by its address on the specified chain.


  • chainId (number): The ID of the chain.
  • poolAddress (string): The address of the pool.

Return Value

A Promise object that resolves to an object with the following properties:

  • tokens (BigNumber | undefined): The number of tokens in the pool.
  • lpToken (string | undefined): The address of the LP (liquidity provider) token associated with the pool.


Retrieves information about all pools on the specified chain.


  • chainId (number): The ID of the chain.

Return Value

A Promise object that resolves to an array of objects, each representing a pool. Each pool object has the following properties:

  • poolAddress (string | undefined): The address of the pool.
  • tokens (PoolToken[] | undefined): An array of PoolToken objects representing the tokens in the pool.
  • lpToken (string | undefined): The address of the LP (liquidity provider) token associated with the pool.


Calculates the amount of liquidity tokens to be added when providing liquidity to a pool.


  • chainId (number): The ID of the chain.
  • poolAddress (string): The address of the pool.
  • amounts (object): A record of token addresses as keys and their corresponding amounts as values.

Return Value

A Promise object that resolves to an object with the following properties:

  • amount (BigNumber): The calculated amount of liquidity tokens.
  • routerAddress (string): The address of the router.


Calculates the amounts of tokens to be received when removing liquidity from a pool.


  • chainId (number): The ID of the chain.
  • poolAddress (string): The address of the pool.
  • amount (BigNumber): The amount of liquidity tokens to be removed.

Return Value

A Promise object that resolves to an object with the following properties:

  • amounts (Record<string, { value: BigNumber; index: number }>): A record of token addresses as keys and their corresponding amounts and index positions as values.
  • routerAddress (string): The address of the router.


Calculates the amount of a specific token to be received when removing liquidity from a pool.


  • chainId (number): The ID of the chain.
  • poolAddress (string): The address of the pool.
  • amount (BigNumber): The amount of liquidity tokens to be removed.
  • token (string): The address of the token.

Return Value

A Promise object that resolves to an object with the following properties:

  • amount ({ value: BigNumber; index: number }): The calculated amount of the specified token and its index position.
  • routerAddress (string): The address of the router.



The Query type represents the instructions for the bridge or swap. This type has the following attributes.

  • swapAdapter (string): The address of the swap adapter.
  • tokenOut (string): The address of the outputted token on that chain.
  • minAmountOut (BigNumber): The min amount of value exiting the transaction.
  • deadline (BigNumber): The deadline for the potential transaction.
  • rawParams (string): The raw params for the potential transaction.


The FeeConfig type represents the fee data stored in the bridge contract. This type has the following attributes.

  • bridgeFee (number): The bridge fee taken for that query.
  • minFee (BigNumber): The min fee possible for that bridge contract.
  • maxFee (BigNumber): The max fee possible for that bridge contract.


The PoolToken type represents a pool token with the following attributes.

  • token (string): The token address.
  • isWeth (boolean | undefined): Indicates whether the token is wrapped Ether (WETH).


BigNumber and BigNumberish are the ethers v5 BigNumber and BigNumberish types